Burnout Web Platform (BWP) is one of the most important intellectual outputs of the Erasmus+ project Burnout education, normatives and digital tools for European Universities (BendiT-EU) (project reference: 2020-1-RO01-KA203-080261). The project is developed in collaboration with six European countries: Romania (“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, and National School of Public Health, Management, and Professional Development, Bucharest), Bulgaria (Trakia University, Stara Zagora), Portugal (COFAC - Lusofona University, Lisbon), Spain (University of Murcia, Murcia), Cyprus (University of Nicosia, Nicosia) and Italy (VITECO, Catania).
The platform, as well as the whole project, focuses on academic burnout and addresses mainly medical and allied health students, but it can be helpful for other students as well.
Burnout represents a condition related to high work exposure and is considered a common “phenomenon in the occupational context” (ICD-11). In recent years, more attention has been paid to academic burnout as well, due the fact that universities are generally demanding work environments. Learning here can be exhausting and overwhelming at times, due to time pressure, high performance standards, as well as other concerns, such as finances or relationships. In particular in medical universities or in health allied professions, handling patients, dealing with fears about getting ill and being in contact with human suffering, can represent important sources of burnout.
It is important to note that a limited exposure to stress may be occasionally beneficial and even improve performance. However, excessive or continuous stress can lead to physical and mental fatigue, as well as poor health. In this sense, a large part of the causes for students' inability to cope with academic stress stems from the lack of personal and social resources to overcome difficult conditions and adversity.
As a distinct part of the results provided by the BENDiT-EU Erasmus+ project, the Burnout Web Platform offers several practical tools that might help, if feeling stressed or exhausted in the academic context:
This is not a clinical diagnosis; it is an evaluation of your self-report of the questionnaires you have filled in. It is only an estimation of your burnout status, level of well-being and indicators of depression